Sunday, December 12, 2010

Merry Christmas to ... ME

I have lived with a utilitarian refrigerator, about the only one that fit in the 30" slot between the sink cabinet and a wall, for more than 10 years. While I was single it was ok. But with my husband and a whole produce section required for Buster's greens, peppers, carrots, butternut squash and other assorted vegis, it was becoming just a huge pain in the butt.As I began designing the upstairs renovations I also wanted to re-do the kitchen. However, the kitchen had to be placed on the back burner (I hope to be able to get to it the year after next). So any dreams of a 36" wide counter depth french door refrigerator were also placed on the back burner.

Until...somewhere along the line, more than a year after the upstairs was completed, we realized there might be an interim solution. We could replace the pantry unit next to the stove with a refrigerator, and replace the old refrigerator with a new pantry unit. It's not ideal, but it's doable. Very doable. So the search began in earnest. I read consumer reports and narrowed my search down, I went to show rooms to touch and feel refrigerators, I came away with a clearer idea of what I wanted (and what I didn't want) in a refrigerator. I searched again and went to Best Buy to touch and feel the Samsung rfg237aars. I read more reviews, searched the Internet near and far for the best price, and with my selection made and my husband's endorsement I pressed the Check Out button. And with my dear husband managing the delivery and installation I came home Friday to the most beautiful refrigerator I have ever owned.
I gave it (and my husband) a big hug this morning.